Frequently Asked Questions


When is it not possible to repair a commercial roof?

When the covering is too old, you need to completely renovate because repairs will not be effective and will prove a wasted expense. Sometimes it is impossible to retain old materials that are incompatible with new products. Furthermore, it may be more profitable in the long term to completely renovate in a case where major damage extends throughout the surface of the commercial roof.

What do I need to know about roof repairs?

You have to identify the source of the leaks to repair the roof adequately, using compatible materials. In the case of a thermal roof, it is important to change any water-logged insulation to prevent the evaporation of water particles that can cause bubbles to form on the roof.

What guarantees are available?

The warranties offered depend on the type of work and the products used.

  • Manufacturer's Warranty (material or materials and labour)
  • Extended warranty available from SOPREMA, Carlisle, BP, etc.
  • Les Couvreurs Duro-Toit workforce warranty.

* Warranties are applicable when the requirements are met.

What additional work might be called for during roof repairs?

Sometimes it is only possible to see the damage once the old covering has been removed. An intervention can then be inevitable to ensure the durability and integrity of the commercial roofing. Usually, materials affected by water need to be replaced and vents and walls need to be strengthened, etc. Furthermore, the presence of several layers of coverings may require additional work to return the roofing system to full effectiveness.

When is it time to renovate a commercial roof?

It is recommended to change the complete covering of the roof in the event of major damage. In fact, the repair service becomes profitable in the long term in the case where the damage has spread considerably. Moreover, risks are eliminated at the source, which will prevent future problems.

How do you protect the roof over the long term?

Over the years, you need to pay attention to the aging of the roof, repairs, and the maintenance performed. It is best to consult experienced roofers who know the requirements of manufacturers' warranties when your roof needs work. You will be better protected if a problem arises.

What maintenance is recommended to protect a commercial roof?

If possible, you should carry out a systematic inspection of the roof and attic in both the spring and fall. You can entrust the inspection of your roofing to roofers who will advise you regarding the maintenance of your particular commercial building. You also need to remove the snow and ice from your roof to avoid excessive accumulations that can lead to water infiltration and a weakening of the structure. These precautions will help to prevent problems and the associated costs of roof repair.

Is repairing a commercial roof worthwhile?

Roof repairs are effective most of the time. However, we must intervene quickly before the damage goes too far. In fact, it is not possible to repair a badly worn roof that has leaked for a long time. Once an infiltration or other problem arises, it is best to intervene immediately to protect your investment. The choice of the workforce is also key.

Is it possible to carry out this work in winter?

Most roofing work can be performed during the winter. However, some products cannot be applied in cold weather, making it impossible to carry out certain work. However, renovation and repairs are more expensive because the snow must be removed and the roof dried.

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